Saturday, February 20, 2016

Urgent info that affects all home businesses!

Finally, somebody stepped up to the plate & is doing things different. Why is it so many people struggle & fail in this Industry? >>> Many reasons but here's something your Company owner nor your upline wants you to see!!! I hope it makes them all change their ways but I doubt it because it's about their bottom line.
What if there was a Company that:
Allowed you to join for free
Earn 50% commissions starting today with no purchase requirement
Pays out 75%
Has 100% check match

Has a complete marketing system with contact manager, auto-responder, customizable capture pages, postcards & leads
Has a one of a kind & exclusive rights to a product that everyone should take from infants to elderly, where people are seeing results immediately
Had a professional in house call center that took all your calls, answered questions, handled objections & CLOSED your sales for you! ( Paid for by the Company not you )
What if there was a team co-op that has 18 thousand in team advertising the first week going to the group?

All of this is real & of course they don't want you to see it because they can't compete. Why would anyone continue to pay high auto-ships, make measly commissions, have to make phone calls & try to recruit or worse yet teach their teams to do it!! They don't want you to see this because they know they will lose people like crazy!!
Hurry over & grab a free position so you can look around & see if this isn't a answer to prayer! Yes it's real, Yes someone finally stepped up & is providing a solution to so many people!! It's your turn to be in the right place at the right time, You deserve it!! Tell your friends & contacts before they are telling you!! >>> 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Marketing System is Released!

Join us:,
This is beyond crazy!! I must say in all my years in this Industry I have NEVER seen anything like this. Companies will  have to shut down and join O2! Dan Putnam (owner) has put together a LEGIT, real deal, no excuses, all barriers removed and all out incredible opportunity and NO other owner is willing to do what he is doing!! 
Our new marketing system is live. 

Now think about these points. Ponder them, Ask yourself if anything else you have seen or done makes more sense.
We offer a f-r-e-e business. That's right. One of the excuses we often hear is I would love to but I have no mon*ey..... Well we can put you in a business with beautiful websites and you can share the product page and earn 50% DAY ONE with no personal order!!! All other companies charge either start up fees, website fees or at least a purchase to be in business. Many have high costs to get started. Not at O2WorldWide!!

How about the next excuse. I don't have time or know what to say..... Well can you follow instructions? Lick a stamp? Post on facebook? Send a text or email? Once you have a prospect our in house professional call center takes all the questions, handles objections & closes the sales for you!!! What other Company does that for your success??

What other plan pays out 75%? What other plan pays 100% match from your very first signup? What other Company pays for your websites AND PAYS to have a call center working for you 9 hours a day 6 days a week?
What other Company gives back by providing a meal to a hungry child in our Country for every bottle sold? What other Company gives us marketing systems, leads, contact manager, auto-responders, lead capture pages at no cost?
What other Company has  EXCLUSIVE rights to a life changing, patented process product that is changing lives like this?,

What other team has co-ops you can participate in to help you build your business?,
You can feel the excitement! . I can't believe the leaders we have coming on board. No actually I can because as someone told me today....: This is a dream come true"
Warm regards, Dr. Brad A. Hensley

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

O2 Drops® Are Already Making a Difference in Peoples' Lives.

CALL- 801.987.9473 using CALL CENTER PIN C7653

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

More O2 Drops Testimonials

Once Is Chance. Twice Is Coincidence. Three Times Is A Pattern. Four Times or More Is a TREND... And when you position yourself in front of A TREND (Wave), and then take smart, massive action... That's where wealth is created.

I believe each and everyone of us is sitting in front of a significant TREND with O2 Worldwide and our O2 Drops. The stories we're already starting to hear with the results people are experiencing in their first 24-48 hours, are what this industry is supposed to be about. Helping People

See for yourself:

Jonathan Tripp

Just took my first dose of O2 drops. Hard to describe the sensation. Felt sort of a wave of subtle yet powerful energy coursing throughout my body. I think I like it.

Wayne Cook

My O2 Drops arrived this morning and I don't know where to begin. Over the years I have used natural supplements but typically it takes time for natural or herbal products to build up in your system to feel results, NOT with O2 drops. Within minutes of taking I could feel it starting to work. It’s an energy boost but at the same time it has almost a calming effect and you start to just feel better overall. Like many in their 50’s I typically have lower back pain and stiffness daily, I noticed as I was just now taking the second dose that my back does not have the usual stiffness or soreness. If everyone feels these kinds of results, this product will sell itself easily. The amount of people that we can help with this product is mind boggling. This is going to be so rewarding to offer people such a quality product.

Brad Hensley

Look what came to my office today...02 drops, I did 7 drops this morning and another 15 after lunch and I must say I'm amazed so far. The feeling is so different, I feel much calmer and a great steady boost of much needed energy on a busy day at my office on a Monday. I'm impressed with this product so far...

John Soriano
Just tried the drops for the first time..was a bit drained...all I can say is, IM impressed. Gave me energy and mental clarity to complete what I needed to work on!

Gary Dehmer 

Thanks everyone, I'm very glad to be here...just got my product about an hour ago and put some drops under my tongue and feel stuff going on. 

Mamie Dinkins 

Received o2 on Friday, took five drops nothing happened. On Saturday I took fifteen drops three times that day under my tongue. I have been suffering with arthritis. WOW! No arthritic pain, what a welcome relief as a result of using the o2, after one day.       

Sherry Higdon

After my first dose yesterday afternoon I reported that last evening I started yawning. By 9:30 last night I was a normal tired which is not normal for me at all. Took my O2 cut back sleeping pills from 4 to 2 (yes I said 4). Went to bed felt 'calm,' not fighting the bed just resting. Wasn't going to sleep so I 'caved' and took the other 2 pills. By the time I laid back down my head was hurting, my ears ringing. Until I took the additional pills I was fine! Went to sleep.Woke up, normally upon awakening both hips are hurting really bad. This morning only dull pain on right side, none on left. Didn't think I was ready to get up so I took 15 drops stayed in bed. Within a couple minutes my eyes opened and I felt like I was ready to get up and meet the day.I 'also' have gastrointestinal issues, I had 3 abdominal surgeries last year. It is doing something there as well. One issue I have is a lot of trapped gas and bloating and yesterday after I took the first dose the first thing I noticed was my tummy was doing something to that trapped air in my digestive track! Will update again later.

Eddie Ellis 

I got mine today, three times, and my pain in right ankle is gone.

Anita Burrows Rawls

I got my O2 Product yesterday afternoon & I was so excited!! I squirted about 10 drops under my tongue for a couple of minutes. After about 30 minutes, I felt a warm amount of energy throughout my body. I continued with phone calls, and finally got up after sitting for about 1 1/2 hours. When I always stand up, I always have a sharp pain in my hip from Hip Surgery 9 months ago. The pain will go away after standing for a minute or so, but every time I stand, I always have that uncomfortable pain. (Freak accident while snow skiing.) Well, that sharp pain was not there!! WOW!! I then took the drops again at bedtime, and slept REALLY Good Last night, . . . sleeping all night without waking up 1 time. I always wake up several times during the night. Can hardly wait to see what other benefits from this AWESOME O2 Product.!!

Vanessa Chamberlain

Okay everyone, I've got an update for you! If you remember my post from Day 1 of taking my drops you'll be interested to see what has happened since ... and I can't wait to tell you!My back still feels like a million bucks (well, 85% better than it was prior to taking O2 drops - which, to me, feels like a million bucks!) and my annoying week-long headache has not come back BUT there have been more interesting things happening!My energy is up, I am sleeping better, and my overall mood has improved drastically! I actually did have the nerve to go to bed without taking sleeping pills last night and I did sleep! Although, I woke up around 4:30 ready to conquer the world! LOL! That was a bit of a bummer because I really do like to sleep, but apparently, I just didn't need to sleep any longer than I did.Also, I have been suffering from terrible acne on my face for the past 7 months or so and prescription medicated cream wasn't even helping! Not cystic acne, but a bunch of little bumps all over my face. Gross, I know. TMI? I hope not. Anyway, I put the O2 Drops directly on my face yesterday morning and again last night before going to bed and when I woke up this morning, I was AMAZED to find that a lot of them had disappeared and the others had shrunken in size!! What a relief! I've never had problems with acne, so this was totally new and a bit terrifying for me, really. I'm so happy to see this problem going away!!I decided to actually put 15 drops in 8 ounces of water today as well, just to see if I would have a different experience than Keith had, and boy, did I ever! Instant Energy!!! I'm probably going to be purchasing two bottles a month just for myself so that I can put drops under my tongue, drink the drops, and use drops for any cuts, acne, or other skin issues that may arise for me or anyone I know! I LOVE MY O2 DROPS!!!

Billie Frances Foster Dunham

Yes Anita, Arlen and I want everyone to feel better, just like we do. The big difference to me is when I go to bed I immediately fall asleep for the first time in my life and I don't wake up 4 or 5 times. I get a good restful night and wake up ready to start my day. This makes everything better. Thank you Anita Rawls for introducing us to o2 and being an awesome leader

**************************************************************************              02 WORLDWIDE has it all for newbies to this industry or seasoned professionals with a large followings, Everyone can win here with our amazing product, comp plan and tools to succeed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


An O2 Worldwide Business can take Your Life to the Next Level
The Ultimate in Health and Wealth Building
Starting your own profitable O2 Worldwide business
"Is as simple as "Get 2 and Teach 2!"
We'll show you how. Get started today! >>>

Tired Of Losing Money?   Maybe It's Not You!
Do something different:
~ Exclusive product EVERYONE needs - No other company has it or can get it.
~ Timing - New division of a 4 year old Global business.
~ 100% matching checks paid weekly.
~ Turnkey marketing system included with your business.
~ $10 Team advertising co-op to help you make money.
~ Company owned call center closes your sales. You keep 100% of the commission - Included with your business.
~ 30 day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee on our business - We take all the risk.

Interested? Visit my website, and listen to the recording near the bottom of the page.
Serious inquires only please.